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Thank you for joining us for Owning Up! We are all about supporting military spouse entrepreneurs. 

Jun 12, 2022

Welcome to the PCS Special Sunday Series with Moni Jefferson

We are grateful for YOU, our listeners, partners, and sponsors. 

Moni chatted with a few other military spouse entrepreneurs who have experienced PCSing in their business. They share tips on what you need to consider before PCSing your business. 

Tip 1: Decide if you want to dissolve your business in the current state or start-up in the state, you will be moving to. Do your research and decide what works best for you. Some become a foreign entity, especially if you will be moving a lot or moving overseas for a time. 

Tip 2: If you have a product-based business, consider having someone else manage it while you move. And, it’s important to know the weight of your tools and equipment in case you move it with you. 

Tip 3: Make sure you have a business bank account in your business name. And if you have multiple businesses, each one will need its own account. 

Tip 4: Let your clients and team members know you’ll be moving. Don’t let fear hold you back from sharing that information. 

Tip 5: Your priorities will shift during this time, so don’t be afraid to say no to things. 

Tip 6: Take time to take care of yourself. We take care of everything and everyone, but we must take care of ourselves. We can’t pour from an empty cup, so fill yourself first. It’s not a weakness to ask for help. 

Thanks to Sara Copp, Courtney Boyer, Marla Bautista, and Joanie Zipperer for joining Moni and sharing their journey with us. 

Remember, check out the previous episodes for learning how to PCS Your Business WIthout Losing Your Mind. Plus, download the MyPCS App to make your checklist today! Also, set up the PCS Trello Board, and download the PCS Roadmap to help set you on the right path. 

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If you're a milspouse with a business or are thinking of starting one, join us here at AMSE Membership. Check out our previous episodes for encouragement, connection, and information. 

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